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Dive into complex decision-making problems that organisations and societies face today. Expand your analytical and leadership skills and learn applied research methods to find innovative solutions. No matter which of the 3 tracks you choose from our MSc Business Economics, this Honours programme is a rewarding addition to your curriculum.

Are you an outstanding and highly motivated MSc Business Economics student with a critical mind and an enthusiasm for applied research? Then this Honours programme is a great opportunity for you.

Why apply for the Honours programme?

The Business Economics Honours programme offers a unique opportunity to further develop your talents and shape your ambitions. Get access to the latest academic insights, apply these to real-life cases and work together with highly motivated students. Besides the courses from your chosen specialisation track, you get to take extra courses to further broaden your knowledge within the field of Business Economics and beyond. This programme is a perfect chance to stand out to future employers.

Copyright: Alex Talmon
Real-life business case: How can we nudge consumers to behave more sustainably?

The effects of climate change have become increasingly visible throughout the recent decade. One question that Neuroeconomics addresses is: how can we change individual behaviour to adapt to these new realities? Can we nudge consumers to behave more sustainably? For instance via incentives to fly less, to eat more plants (and less meat) and reducing water. In this business case you will assess how current approaches support and maintain environmentally conscious behaviour in consumers.

Specific courses

The Business Economics Honours programme (15EC) is taken concurrently within your 1-year Business Economics MSc. Besides being able to choose your specialisation track, the Honours programme adds 2 extra courses and a research project to your MSc.

  • Real-life business case

    Solve a business case and present your results to your fellow students. You will carry out this assignment in a small and diverse team of MSc students who are all enrolled in different MSc programmes at the Amsterdam School of Economics. One of our senior researchers will provide support to the team as you solve your business case.

  • Extra course related to your track
  • Extra course outside your track

    Choose any course from the other track of the MSc Business Economics.

How to apply

The Business Economics Honours programme is selective and only available to (approximately) 10 highly motivated students of our Business Economics MSc.

What you need to do:

  1. Apply for the MSc Business Economics programme.
  2. Wait for your admissions results. If you are admitted to the programme you will receive a conditional acceptance email.
  3. Start your MSc Business Economics programme. By the end of the 1st period you can apply for the Honours programme by writing a letter of motivation.

Selection will take place in October, based on the documents you provide and group diversity. You will start the Honours programme in November of the same academic year.


For specific questions about the Business Economics Honours programme, please do not hesitate to contact us.