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The mission of the Amsterdam School of Economics is to offer excellent teaching in economics, business economics, econometrics and actuarial science, at the Bachelor's, Master's and PhD level, to students who are sufficiently qualified and motivated. The ASE also aims to perform path-breaking and high-impact research in these areas and to valorise the results of this research. Interaction of the School with its non-academic partners, whether they be commercial firms or (semi-) public institutions, can create substantial positive value for both parties and for society at large.

Why a Corporate Partnership with ASE?

There are several reasons to start a corporate partnership with the Amsterdam School of Economics.

  • 1. Access to cutting-edge research

    For any innovative company, research and development is a key success factor for sustainable and profitable growth. However, research comes at a considerable cost and usually has a relatively long payback period. A company’s research is usually narrow-scoped, as it is driven by current business needs and limitations, while university research has a more scientific approach with a broader scope. It is led by the absolute top in their respective fields and carried out objectively, complying with the latest standards and insights. Our corporate partners not only have the advantage of having ‘first eyes’ on relevant research, but are even encouraged to actively contribute in its purpose and setup. In that way, they can use early insights in scientific research as a complementary tool for their own research, or even avoid in-house research projects which would require a considerably higher investment. It is also an option to sponsor a chair.

  • 2. Access to top talent

    For any growing company, or companies with growth ambitions, the 'war for talent' is a considerable challenge. Any manager with some experience understands and appreciates the tremendous difference a talented employee can make. Embedded in the culture of the University of Amsterdam, and the central part of our positioning as a university, is the fact that we foster independent minds that make a difference in business and society. Our students are encouraged to occasionally deviate from the paved path and think outside the box. This is one of the factors that makes them different from ‘average’. Corporate partners are offered the opportunity to actively approach students for internships or company visits, hence creating an early relationship with talented potential future employees.

  • 3. Critical reflection on organisation and its activities

    Interaction with scientific staff from the ASE may stimulate critical reflection on a company's own activities and organisation. An example concerns the question which data to collect for the analysis of business activities and opportunities and how to organise these data. Our researchers have substantial insight into the data requirements to enable scientifically sound analysis.

  • 4. Exposure

    Research results will usually be published in international scientific journals. Besides this, non-technical spin-offs may be published in more popular, but usually wider-read, outlets. Quite often research leads to position papers or op-eds in newspapers.

Forms of partnerships

  • Named Chair

    A Named Chair carries the name of the partner that funds the Chair. The Chair may be installed for a specific reason. For example, to promote research in a specific field of expertise or to stimulate teaching in a specific area. To guarantee adherence to the high scientific standards applied by the Amsterdam School of Economics, the envisaged holder of the Chair will go through a regular appointment procedure, while a curatorium will monitor work progress on a regular basis.

  • Special Chair

    The rules for a Special Chair are essentially the same as those for a Named Chair. Its aim is to promote the dissemination of knowledge from practice into the teaching and research conducted at the ASE. The holder of the chair is usually a person who holds a doctorate and who occupies a senior position in a major organisation in the relevant field. Obviously, the holder of the Chair needs to have an intrinsic interest in academic work.

  • Joint research projects

    Joint research can benefit both partners and the university. Partners often avail of relevant data and are very much aware of the specific practical questions they run into, while university research staff have the methodological knowledge and research experience to analyse those questions in a scientifically solid way.

  • Sponsoring a course or programme

    This is a clever way for the partner to advertise itself to the students, hence to potential employees. If the scientific standards are ensured, the partner may also provide input into the course or programme itself.


Are you interested in the possibilities of partnering with the Amsterdam School of Economics? Please contact us.