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The Amsterdam School of Economics is one of the top-10 research universities in Europe. Our critical academic staff makes substantial contributions to the socio-economic debate. We aim to develop our students into keen thinkers and compassionate economists who contribute to society, companies and organisations.

About the Amsterdam School of Economics

  • About 200 academic staff and 2,400 students
  • Several excellent Bachelor's and Master's programmes in economics, econometrics, actuarial science and operations research & management
  • Strong emphasis on research in education
  • Eight high-performing research programmes
  • ASE Research Institute facilitates and promotes research at ASE to foster the academic ideal of intertwined university teaching and research


The general ambition of the ASE is to:

  • Educate Bachelor's students who are competitive on the (inter)national labour market and who are in principle qualified for admission to any related Master's programme around the world, with the top 10% being able to enter a related Research Master's programme.
  • Educate Master's students who are highly competitive on the (inter)national labour market, with the top 25% being able to enter a related top Research Master's programme.
  • Educate PhD students who are well qualified to pursue an academic career, with the top 10% being able to acquire a tenure‐track position at a top university in Europe.
  • Belong to the top‐10 economics departments in Europe based on the ASE’s research performance.

Rankings and Accreditations

We are proud to be ranked among the best business schools in the world. Not only do we have a sufficient score on rankings, we also belong to the 1% of all faculties with business programmes in the world that earned the prestigious 'Triple Crown' status.

Be inspired

At the Amsterdam School of Economics, we get focus on the areas Environmental Economics, Behavioural Economics, and Data & Analytics. We selected initiatives, projects, engagement with society and the role economics can play in preparing for future challenges, to showcase our sources of inspiration.