The Micro section is formed by 3 fields of study: Experimental & Political Economics (CREED), Human Capital, and Markets & Organization. Each of these fields is represented in a research programme.
The aim of the Experimental & Political Economics programme is improving the understanding of the behavioural determinants and consequences of economic decision making. We focus on political economic issues, allow for bounded rationality, and use laboratory experimentation as research methods.
The Human Capital research programme is an empirically driven research programme which relies on microeconometric techniques to study important microeconomic issues in the areas of labour economics, economics of education, family economics and development economics.
The Markets & Organizations (M&O) research programme joins researchers interested in studying the effective functioning of markets and organisations. Aim is on improving our understanding of the working of markets and organisations in capturing the economic benefits from collective action and identifying as well as evaluating (policy) interventions that may improve market or organisational performance.
If you have a question about the section’s research, faculty members, vacancies etc., please contact the head of the section, Prof. Arthur Schram.