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Data-driven decisions play an ever-greater role in our society. Big Data has led to new statistical and computer-related techniques. This calls for highly educated experts. This is why graduates of our Master’s in Data Science and Business Analytics have excellent job prospects in a wide range of industries.

It is entirely possible that you will find a job even before you graduate. And with good reason: as a graduate from the Amsterdam School of Economics you have received excellent training in predictive analytics and data science; a highly sought-after combination on the job market.

Average time to find a job

2 months

Average starting salary


Live and work in the Netherlands for 1 year

Orientation Year Permit

Where will you work?

As an MSc Data Science and Business Analytics graduate you have a choice of interesting positions in a wide range of industries, such as:

  • Marketing Analyst

    Graduates can specialise in marketing analytics, where they analyse customer data, market trends, and campaign performance to optimise marketing strategies and increase ROI.

  • Risk Analyst

    Financial institutions and insurance companies hire Business Analytics professionals to assess and mitigate risks by analysing financial data and market trends.

  • Data Scientist

    Data scientists leverage advanced statistical and machine learning techniques to extract valuable insights from data. They often work on complex problems like predictive modelling, recommendation systems, and natural language processing.

  • Supply Chain Analyst

    Businesses rely on supply chain analysts to optimise logistics, inventory management, and demand forecasting using data-driven approaches.

Career in research

Alumni network

All graduates have access to our extensive alumni network, with more than 186.000 alumni worldwide. This network empowers graduates to connect with fellow alumni, students, staff, and corporate relations of UvA Economics and Business. They can explore their fields of interest and discover new opportunities.

Career preparation during your Master's

Our Career Centre is here to help you prepare for your professional career. This team of personal development assistants, career coaches, and internship advisors will assist you in increasing your employability and confidence after graduation. Benefit from:

  • career coaching
  • professional skills workshops
  • CV checks
  • networking events

Internship and exchange

If you have completed your curriculum, you can do an internship or go on an exchange abroad. For international students it is an excellent opportunity to experience the Dutch labour market.