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The 1st step of our application process for students from another UvA faculty or Dutch University is checking the entry requirements of this Master’s. In your online application you will be asked to upload proof of all mentioned requirements. We want to guarantee students an interactive programme, for that reason we apply a selection procedure. This means that besides the entry requirements, your application will also be selected based on the selection criteria.

Entry requirements

The Admissions Office will evaluate your application for this programme based on your academic Bachelor's degree or your pre-Master's:

  • Your academic Bachelor’s degree

    All students holding an academic Bachelor's and/or Master's degree in Business Economics, (Fiscal) Economics or Business Administration or one of the Bachelor's from our list of Dutch Bachelor's degrees are eligible to apply for admission to this Master's programme. A specialisation in Accountancy and/or Control will generally lead to direct admission.

    Students with a different Bachelor’s degree or specialisation in Accountancy and/or Control will need to have completed all the following coursework:

    • Financial accounting (intermediate level)
    • Management accounting (intermediate level)
    • Finance (introductory level)
    • Quantitative research methods (intermediate level)

    Postmaster Accountancy (in Dutch)

    If you want to become a Chartered Accountant (Register accountant), you need to finish the Postmaster Accountancy (PMA) programme, which is available after finishing the Master's Accountancy and Control. The language of the postmaster's is Dutch, since it deals with Dutch laws and regulations. 

    To enter the PMA programme, you need to have passed the courses of the minor 'Recht en fiscaliteit voor ondernemingen', which are recommended to be taken during your Bachelor's degree. If you do not follow this minor during your Bachelor's degree, you will have to complete these courses later through contract education.

  • Your pre-Master's

    You have direct admission to our Master's Accountancy and Control without any further conditions such as a minimum GPA or GMAT, if you have obtained:

    If you have followed this pre-Master's go to this step by step guide (choose Bachelor's Accountancy and Control) to enrol to the Master's in Accountanty and Control.

    Postmaster Accountancy (in Dutch)

    If you want to become a Chartered Accountant (Register accountant), you need to finish the Postmaster Accountancy (PMA) programme, which is available after finishing the Master's Accountancy and Control. The language of the postmaster's is Dutch, since it deals with Dutch laws and regulations. 

    To enter the PMA programme, you need to have passed the courses of the minor 'Recht en fiscaliteit voor ondernemingen', which are recommended to be taken during your Bachelor's degree. If you do not follow this minor during your Bachelor's degree, you will have to complete these courses later through contract education.

If your previous education does not fulfil this programme’s requirements, you might be eligible to apply for the pre-Master's programme.

Selection Criteria 

Meeting the entry requirements alone is not a guarantee for admission. Besides the entry requirements you need to meet the selection criteria. This means that your application will be compared with other applicants. The selection is based on your GPA and motivation letter.   

  • 1. Your Grade Point Average (GPA)

    We are looking for students who have shown academic potential to keep up with the high level and workload of the programme. We will assess your application in its entirety, but we are looking for students with good results in their Bachelor’s degree. 

    Therefore, one of the criteria on which your application will be assessed is the Grade Point Average (GPA). We do not require a specific minimum GPA for this programme, but we will compare and assess the performance on all selection criteria to make an informed decision regarding placement into the programme.

  • 2. Your motivation letter

    The motivation letter (max. one A4)  allows you to explain why you would be a good fit for the Master’s programme and which experiences have led you to this decision. 

Combine work and study
  • Part-time programme (in Dutch)

    Are you a young professional, holding an HBO degree (HEAO-BE/AA/RA/AC) or a relevant academic BSc degree and do you want to combine work and study? We offer intensive programmes in Dutch for both the Accountancy and the Control track. These programmes allow you as a working professional to obtain your Master's degree whilst working 4 days per week in an Accountancy or Control related environment. The part-time classes are solely taught on Fridays. This way you can combine it with your career.