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The new Master’s programme Business Information Technology Management (BITM) has been officially accredited and will start on 1 September 2025.

Accreditation was granted thanks to the successful leadership of Prof. Hans Borgman and a dedicated teaching team from the Amsterdam Business School (ABS). The Master’s programme will fall under the Graduate School of Business, with Dr Chintan Amrit as Programme Director. In collaboration with Dr Amrit, an implementation team from the Education Service Centre (ESC), led by Michelle Panton and Rein Jonker, is working on the implementation of BITM.

An accreditation panel from the Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO) visited UvA EB on 17 December 2024. When conducting their assessment, the panel held discussions with the dean, programme management, lecturers, students, and alumni of the Master’s programme Business Administration, as well as the Examination Board, Programme Committee, and Advisory Board. Following these meetings, the panel concluded that the new master’s programme meets all NVAO standards. It advised the NVAO board to grant accreditation. This was formally granted at the end of January 2025.