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The Amsterdam Center of Excellence in Risk, Resilience and Regulation (AC3R) has received an IP Midsize Grant 2025. AC3R is an interdisciplinary collaboration between the Amsterdam School of Economics, the Amsterdam Business School, and the Amsterdam Law School, led by Prof. Roger Laeven.
Roger Laeven (photo: Sander Nieuwenhuys)

Established on 1 January 2025, it fosters active collaboration with external parties, including the Dutch Central Bank.

Enhancing Stability and Resilience

The IP Midsize Project "Towards pioneering approaches to enhance financial-economic and societal stability and resilience" is a major boost for AC3R. The project aims to develop advanced methods for modern risk evaluation and address 21st-century global crises. It seeks to create new econometric methods to measure modern shocks and fragilities, answering critical questions like: What happens after an adverse financial or socio-economic shock? Can economic entities bounce back? How resilient are financial institutions, firms, and households?