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On Thursday 18 April, the kick-off event of the UvA EB Challenge took place. A total of 49 student teams signed up for the entrepreneurship and innovation competition.
UvA EB Challenge

The competition challenges students to develop their creative ideas into a business plan. Under the guidance of an experienced coach from one of the partners. They compete for one of the 3 prizes: €1,000 (audience award), €1,500 (ideation award), €2,500 (advanced award).

10 participating partners attended the kick-off event (Heineken, PostNL, De Jong & Laan and more). Prof. Mark van der Veen - Director of the Amsterdam Business School - officially opened the competition with a speech. Afterwards, students and partners had the chance to get to know each other during the networking session.

In June, the teams will again meet with the partners during a speed date session to get feedback and exchange ideas. The winners of the 3 awards will be announced at the Grand Finale on 27 September.