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On 25 and 26 January, the first-ever JASEIN (Junior Academics in Strategy, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation in the Netherlands) event was organised. JASEIN gathered 47 assistant professors from 10 Dutch universities together at the Kerckebosch castle. The event was sponsored by the Amsterdam Business School and initiated by Laura Dupin (Entrepreneurship & Innovation) and Mohammad Nasiri (Strategy & International Business).

The primary goal of this initiative was to cultivate a vibrant academic network to foster information exchange, stimulate research collaboration, and offer social support to Assistant Professors working in the Netherlands. To achieve this objective, JASEIN did not follow the classic format of academic conferences and seminars and was not held in an academic environment.

The event featured both social and academic activities. Highlights included:

  • a panel discussion covering topics like grants, impact, and valorisation in Dutch universities;
  • roundtable sessions discussing future research ideas and addressing challenges such as co-authorship, research pipeline, teaching, and funding.