29 November 2023
When I describe my job to my friends and family I often use the analogy of The Office (and I mean that in the best possible way). I truly appreciate being surrounded by people who are curious and whose knowledge and ideas force me to rethink my own.
Currently I am excited about a project that I have together with Thomas Douenne and Joël van der Weele. The project involves combining data from a survey experiment with administrative records. We are studying how citizens’ (mis)perceptions of inequalities affect their preferences for redistribution. With Magdalena Wasilewska on board as a PhD student, I am even more excited to see what we can learn from respondents’ narratives about what causes economic inequality in the Netherlands. I am proud to (hopefully) contribute to the national policy debate by conducting this study in the Netherlands.
That after 1 year of Economics I quit…only to return in the subsequent year with my tail between my legs. Working 1 year for an NGO as a 20 year-old will do that to you.