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This series introduces us to a different employee every week. Find out what they most enjoy about their job and learn things you might not know about them yet. This week: Damiaan Chen, a post-doc researcher at the Amsterdam School of Economics.

What do you like most about your job?

What I like is combining my work as a supervisor at the Dutch Central Bank (DNB) with theoretical analyses that I can do as a Postdoc researcher at the University of Amsterdam. I am enthusiastic and passionate about finding solutions that contribute to improving pension schemes.

Which research from the past year are you most proud of?

I would say my recently published paper that I wrote together with Roel Beetsma and Sweder van Wijnbergen. We explore how members of a collective pension scheme can share inflation risk in the absence of suitable financial market instruments. This topic has become more and more relevant as inflation risk has received more attention in recent years. Our risk-sharing mechanism is particularly useful for the new Dutch Pension Act which recently came into effect.

What do colleagues probably not know about you?

During my student years, I played classical piano music at weddings and parties as a side job. When I started working, I stopped doing that and it became more of a hobby. Of course, I still love to play and listen to music in my spare time!