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This series introduces us to a different employee every week. Find out what they most enjoy about their job and learn things you might not know about them yet. This week: Internal Communications Officer Terri Peters.

What do you like most about your job?

What I enjoy the most is making students enthusiastic about all the events, activities and programmes organised for them. By doing this, I hope to make a positive contribution to their university experience at EB.

Is there a project from this past year you are particularly proud of?

Something I’m really proud of is my input and work to promote Mental Health Week. This was an event organised by the Student Engagement team last November. Throughout that week, students could attend different workshops that all had to do with improving and raising awareness of mental wellbeing. Mental Health Week was a big success. We received a lot of positive feedback from students and this just confirmed how important it is to focus on this issue. The positive response from students gave me a real sense of satisfaction because you know you made a difference.

What don’t most colleagues know about you?

Colleagues are often surprised when they hear how old I am. ‘You’re only 22?’ Some of them say I’m so young I could be somebody’s daughter or granddaughter, ha ha. 😊 I think the fact that I was recently a student is an advantage. I can put myself in the shoes of the target group, I know what they consider important and what appeals to them.