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The Amsterdam Center for Behavioral Change uses the CREED facilities to run lab experiments.

CREED has three laboratories (the Large lab, the Small lab and the Communication lab) and one reception room in which the subjects can be briefed before the experiment starts (conveniently between the large and small laboratories). The large lab has 31 cubicles with computers and the small one 22 cubicles. Both laboratories are connected to the same network which makes it possible to run sessions with up to 53 participants.

The Communication lab has 16 soundproof cubicles with video capabilities. All computers have Windows installed. Our experiments mostly use web-based software (php-mysql) developed by the researchers themselves. Occasionally Z-tree is used. For technical questions regarding our lab, contact Ailko van der Veen.

Dr. A. (Ailko) van der Veen

Faculty of Economics and Business

Section Microeconomics

Rules labs

In the CREED labs, the following rules apply:

  1. No deception! All information the participants receive must be true.
  2. Reasonable payment for participants. If participants get a very low payment, they will not enlist for other experiments and when the payments are very high participants may form unrealistic expectations. In both cases there are negative external effects for other experimenters.
  3. The experimental design must be presented in a CREED lunch seminar before the experiment is run.
  4. Data-integrity: directly after a session is run the experimenter fills in the logbook and sends the raw data files to and all the co-authors. After the last session of an experiment the experimenter sends the computer program to the same email address.
  5. When the participants are not from our regular subject pool but from vulnerable groups like children, patients, etc or when the experiment may have lasting effects on the well-being of the participant, or when in the CREED lunch seminar members of the audience have serious ethical objections, the experimenter should seek approval from the IRB (Institutional Review Board, also known as the ethical committee) before running the experiment.