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Researchers of the Amsterdam School of Economics can apply for funding to run lab or field experiments. We also support other activities, like inviting visitors and organizing workshops.

In all cases, a clear link with the field of Behavioral Economics will be required. We encourage you to apply with new initiatives on Behavioral Change that would not thrive without financial support of the ACBC. An efficient and fair committee will decide about proposals with a minimum of red tape involved.

What kind of projects are eligible?

1. Projects should fit within the goals of the ACBC.

2. The ACBC is a 'provider of the last resort'. If you can use or obtain money from other resources you should try that first. Especially for visits or workshops you should first try to get (part of the) money from the regular providers (NWO, KNAW, Tinbergen, etc).


This procedure is designed to minimize the red tape and the workload of the committee and to maximize efficiency and fairness.

  1. The applicant fills in the application form.
  2. Experimental proposals will be considered only after a CREED-seminar (the applicant should fill in the application form before the seminar).
  3. One of the committee members will check if the information is complete. If not, the applicant will be contacted, otherwise the application will be forwarded to the other committee members.
  4. The committee members can either approve the application or ask for a meeting.
  5. If all committee members approve the application immediately, the request will be granted and the applicant will be notified. This kind of decision can be taken within a few days.
  6. If one or more members does not approve the application or asks for a meeting of the committee in order to discuss the application, the applicant will be notified of this. In this case the final decision could take a few weeks, because of the planning of a meeting.
  7. A rejection of an application will be motivated by the committee.
  8. After the project has been approved, the money, up to the maximum amount asked for (or any other amount specified by the committee), can be spent on this particular project only, up to the estimated end date of the project. Any significant changes to the described project should be communicated to the committee and have to be approved by the committee.
  9. If the project turns out to be cheaper than expected the money can not be used for other purposes. For other projects a new application form has to be filled out.
  10. To get reimbursed you need receipts.
  11. If the project is approved the applicant will be contacted at some point(s) about the progress and results of the project (publications, working papers, etc).
  12. The financial help of the Amsterdam Center for Behavioral Change of the University of Amsterdam should be acknowledged in a footnote in all publications and working papers that are a result of the project.