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Dr. J.C.M. (Hans) van Ophem

Faculty of Economics and Business
Section Quantitative Economics
Photographer: onbekend

  • Profile


    Associate professor in econometrics

    Research programme


    Research interests

    Microeconometrics, labor economics, health economics

    Dissertation title

    Theoretical and empirical studies on job mobility, promotor: prof. dr. J. Hartog, 12 May 1989 

    Curriculum vitae

    Version November 2016, downloadable on the right. 

  • Teaching

    Teaching activities

    Current year:

    • Applied (Financial) Econometrics (MSc in Economics, MSc in Finance)
    • Microeconometrics (MSc in Econometrics)
    • Thesis supervision (MSc in Econometrics, BSc in Econometrics and OR)

    Recent years:

    • Econometric Analysis (PPLE, third year)
    • Econometrics (BSc in Economics and Business, third year)
    • Empirical Project (BSc in Econometrics and BSc in Actuarial Sciences, second year)
    • Financiering voor AEO (BSc in Econometrics and BSc in Actuarial Sciences, first year)
    • Introduction Econometrics (BSc in Econometrics and BSc in Actuarial Sciences, first year)
    • Onderzoeksproject/Research Project  (BSc in Economics and Business, first year)
  • Links
  • Publications





    • Mazza, J., & van Ophem, H. (2018). Separating risk from heterogeneity in education: a semiparametric approach. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A (Statistics in Society), 181(1), 249-275. [details]


    • Brals, D., Aderibigde, S. A., Wit, F. W., van Ophem, J. C. M., van der List, M., Osagbemi, G. K., Hendriks, M. E., Akande, T. M., Boele van Hensbroek, M., & Schultz, C. (2017). The effect of health insurance and health facility-upgrades on hospital deliveries in rural Nigeria: a controlled interrupted time-serie study. Health Policy and Planning, 32(7), 990-1001. [details]









    • van Praag, C. M., & van Ophem, H. (2003). Opportunity and Willingness to Start as an Entrepreneur. In D. J. Storey (Ed.), Small Business: Critical Perspectives on Business and Management (pp. 38-62). Routledge.


    • van Ophem, J. C. M. (2000). Modeling Selectivity in Count-Data Models. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, (18), 503-511. [details]
    • van Ophem, J. C. M., & Oosterbeek, H. (2000). Schooling Choices: Preferences, Discount Rates and Rates of Return. Empirical Economics, (25), 15-34. [details]


    • van Ophem, J. C. M. (1999). A General Method to Estimate Correlated Discrete Random Variables. Econometric Theory, (15), 228-237. [details]
    • van Ophem, J. C. M., Stam, P. J. A., & van Praag, B. M. S. (1999). Multichoice logit: modeling incomplete preference rankings of classical concerts. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 17(1), 117-128. [details]



    • Hartog, J., & van Ophem, J. C. M. (1996). On-the-job search, mobility and wages in the Netherlands: what do we know? In R. Schettkat (Ed.), The flow analysis of labour markets (pp. 229-255). Routledge. [details]




    • Hartog, J., van Ophem, J. C. M., & Vijverberg, W. (1993). Job complexity and wages. International Economic Review, 34(4), 853-872.
    • van Ophem, J. C. M. (1993). A modified switching regression model for earnings differentials between the public and the private sectors in the Netherlands. Review of Economics and Statistics, 75(2), 215-224.
    • van Ophem, J. C. M., & Hartog, J. (1993). Towards disentangling supply and demand in a model of wages and job level. In J. C. van Ours, G. A. Pfann, & G. Ridder (Eds.), Labour Demand and Equilibrium Wage Formation (pp. 359-376). (Contributions to economic analysis; No. 2013). North-Holland.


    • van Ophem, J. C. M. (1992). Individual wage growth: an empirical investigation on Dutch data. Labour Economics and Productivity, 4(2), 150-175.


    • Hartog, J., & van Ophem, J. C. M. (1991). Wages and measurement error. Annales d'Economie et de Statistique, 1991(20-21), 243-256.
    • van Ophem, J. C. M. (1991). Wages, non-wage job characteristics and the search behavior of employees. Review of Economics and Statistics, 73(1), 145-151.





    • Hartog, J., van Ophem, H., & Bajdechi, S. (2003). How risky is investment in human capital? University of Amsterdam. [details]


    • Hartog, J., van Ophem, H., & Raita, S. (2002). Selective and Comprehensive Schools. (Working Paper). University of Amsterdam. [details]
    • van Ophem, J. C. M., Brouwer, E., Kleinknecht, A. H., & Mohnen, P. (2002). The mutual relation between patents and R&D. In A. H. Kleinknecht, & P. Mohnen (Eds.), Innovation and Firm Performance: Econometric Explorations of Survey Data Palgrave. [details]


    • Poot, A. P., Brouwer, N. M., van Ophem, H., & Zijderveld, C. E. (2001). Samen innoveren: een onderzoek naar publiek-private en private kennisrelaties in Nederland. (Beleidsstudies technologie/economie; No. 35). Directie Algemeen Technologiebeleid, Ministerie van Economische Zaken. [details]


    • Berkhout, P. H. G., Kok, M. H. C., & van Ophem, J. C. M. (2000). De toegevoegde waarde van de museumjaarkaart. SEO-Rapport, 543. [details]
    • van Praag, C. M., & van Ophem, J. C. M. (2000). Determinants of willingness an opportunity to start as an entrepreneur. In P. Westhead, & M. Wright (Eds.), Advances in Entrepreneurship, vol.2 Edward Elgar.


    • Leuven, E., Oosterbeek, H., & van Ophem, J. C. M. (1997). International comparisons of male wage inequality. Discussion paper - Tinbergen Institute, 97-059/3. [details]


    • Kee, P., & van Ophem, J. C. M. (1996). Immigrant wages in the Netherlands. In S. Gazioglu (Ed.), Migrants in the European Labour Market J-Net Publishers.
    • van Ophem, J. C. M., & Hartog, J. (1996). Job complexity and wages: uncovering some structural information. (TI discussion paper; No. 3-96-13). Tinbergen Institute. [details]
    • van Ophem, J. C. M., & Jonker, N. (1996). The duration of higher education: a dependent competing risks model. (TI discussion paper; No. 96-158/3). Tinbergen Institute. [details]
    • van Praag, B. M. S., Slootman, K., Stam, P. J. A., van Ophem, J. C. M., Wijnbergen, W., & van Praag, C. M. (1996). The demand for concerts of classical music-decision support for the scenario-planning of orchestras by means of ROA-analysis. Marketing and Research Today, 24, 27-35. [details]


    • Hartog, J., & van Ophem, J. C. M. (1995). Job complexity and wages: uncovering some structural information. (TI discussion paper; No. TI 3-96-13). Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde. [details]
    • Oosterbeek, H., & van Ophem, J. C. M. (1995). Human capital technology and schooling choices. (TI discussion paper; No. 95-90). Tinbergen Instituut. [details]
    • van Praag, B. M. S., Slootman, K. C. P., Stam, P. J. A., van Ophem, J. C. M., Wijnbergen, W., & van Praag, C. M. (1995). The demand for concerts of classical music. In ESOMAR (Ed.), Making the decision: 48 ESOMAR (European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research) Marketing research congress, 17-20 september 1995 (pp. 95-111). ESOMAR. [details]
    • van Praag, B. M. S., Stam, P. J. A., van Ophem, J. C. M., Brouwer, E., Meulenbeek, A. J. G., de Zwart, R., de Jong, U., van der Hoef, P. T., Lington, J., & Voorthuis, M. E. (1995). Nationale abiturienten monitor 1993/1994. SEO.
    • van Praag, C. M., van Praag, B. M. S., Slootman, K. C. P., Stam, P. J. A., van Ophem, J. C. M., & Wijbergen, W. (1995). The demand for concerts of classical music: decision support for the scenario-planning of orchestras by means of ROA-analysis. (SEO publication). SEO. [details]


    • van Ophem, J. C. M. (1993). Comments on "The effects of labor market experience, job seniority and job mobility on wage growth" by J. Altonji and N. Williams. In J. C. van Ours, G. A. Pfann, & G. Ridder (Eds.), Labour Demand and Equilibrium Wage Formation (pp. 356-358). (Contributions to Economic Analysis; No. 213). North-Holland.


    • Jonker, N., Hartog, J., & van Ophem, J. C. M. (2001). Duale opleidingen: niet enkel beter. Economisch-Statistische Berichten, 86(4291), 56-58. [details]


    • van Praag, B. M. S., Stam, P. J. A., & van Ophem, J. C. M. (1995). Presentatie muzikale voorkeuren: rapportage roa analyse. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • van Praag, B. M. S., van Oers, C., Laroui, F., Stam, P. J. A., Brouwer, E., & van Ophem, J. C. M. (1995). De plaats van OHRA in de Nederlandse particuliere markt voor levensverzekeringen. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • van Praag, C. M., van Praag, B. M. S., Slootman, K. C. P., Stam, P. J. A., van Ophem, J. C. M., & Wijnbergen, W. (1995). The demand for concerts of classical music: decision support fort the scenario-planning of orchestras by means of ROA-analysis. SEO-publication.


    • Hartog, J., Mekkelholt, E., & van Ophem, J. C. M. (1988). Job mobility and unemployment duration: Results from a sequential mobility model. (OSA-werkdocument; No. 50). Staatsdrukkerij.


    • van Ophem, J. C. M., & Chin, J. (2017). Extracurricular educational activities: do they pay off? (pp. 1-26).






    • Jonker, N., van Ophem, H., & Hartog, J. (2002). Dual track or academic route for auditors: does it matter? (Tinbergen Institute discussion paper; No. 2002-121/4). Tinbergen Institute. [details]
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