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The UvA-Econometrics research programme aims at improving the accuracy, efficiency and robustness of econometric methods.

The UvA-Econometrics research programme is a collaboration of about a dozen researchers in econometrics, from the University of Amsterdam. We aim at improving the accuracy, efficiency and robustness of econometric methods. Such methods are designed to model economic behavior and test economic theory under various limitations of actual empirical data. Our major challenge is to extract valid and useful interpretations from empirical economic data.

Seminars, papers and publications

UvA-Econometrics organises seminars and workshops, often in collaboration with the Tinbergen Institute, and it disseminates discussion papers and advertises its publications.


If you have a question related to the UvA-Econometrics programme, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Prof. dr. F.R. (Frank) Kleibergen

Programme director

Postal address

Amsterdam School of Economics 
UvA Econometrics
P.O. Box 15867 
1001 NJ Amsterdam