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'Cause-of-death mortality data: unravelling the mysteries of all-cause mortality'
Event details of ASMF Seminar: Andrew Cairns (Heriot Watt University)
21 February 2025
15:00 -16:00


Often, as actuaries, we are interested in events that are linked to all-cause mortality (e.g. life annuities). Aside from the Covid pandemic, all-cause mortality has been improving steadily over recent decades, but at faster rates over some periods than other periods, and in some socio-economic groups more than others. We will look at how cause-of-death (CoD) mortality data can give us insights into these historical features. These insights can then potentially be exploited to guide the development of future mortality scenarios. The talk will be illustrated using English data from 2001 subdivided either by 9 regions and 10 income deprivation deciles, or into 106 contiguous health districts.


Andrew Cairns (Heriot Watt University)

Roeterseilandcampus - building E

Room 5.22
Roetersstraat 11
1018 WB Amsterdam