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For further questions about the Amsterdam School of Economics or our programmes, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Do you have a question concerning your education?

Do you have a question or problem to solve? Here you can find contact details for education desks, offices and support staff at the UvA.

  • Admissions office
    The Admission Office is responsible for processing the applications of new students at the UvA and the admission decision. For questions about regular educational programmes or individual questions about applications and applications decisions we refer to our Admissions Office. For questions about studying at our university, please contact our Central Students Service Desk or the Education desk.
  • Central Students Service Desk
    The Central Student Service Desk (CSSD) is your point of contact for general questions about studying at the UvA for students enrolled in our programmes. For instance, about study choice, enrolment, tuition and studying abroad.
  • Education desk
    The Education Desk of your study programme can help with questions about your courses, timetables and grades. They can help you find the correct contact person within your study programme.
  • Study advisor
    The study advisor can help you with questions about your curriculum, your planning or personal circumstances that are affecting your studies.

Secretariat Office

T: +31 (0)20 525 4252

Mailing address

Amsterdam School of Economics
P.O. Box 15867
1001 NJ Amsterdam

Visiting address

Roeterseilandcampus - building E

Roetersstraat 11
1018 WB Amsterdam