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We are very much looking forward to hosting the second Annual USP Event on 15 December. Coinciding with the conclusion of COP 28, this year’s theme is Strengthening the Impact of Climate Change Research. Join us for an afternoon full of inspiration, networking, project building, exchanging ideas, and of course a toast to the new year!
Event details of Annual USP Event: Strengthening the Impact of Climate Change Research
15 December 2023
12:30 -17:00
People at USP event

This Year's Theme

Coinciding with the conclusion of COP 28, this year’s theme is Strengthening the Impact of Climate Change Research. 


  • 12:30 – 13:00 Arrival, with coffee, tea and light lunch snacks;  
  • 13:00 – 13:15 Openingspeeches by Rector Magnificus Peter-Paul Verbeek  and chair of the Sustainable Prosperity Steering Group André Nollkaemper;
  • 13:15-13:40 Debate with Ans KolkAnnemarie van Wezel and Frenk van Harreveld on the impact of research in their disciplines on mitigating climate change;
  • 13:40-14:00 Video presentations of three impactful UvA research projects;
  • 14:00-14:15 Presentation by Lucas Waagmeester, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of NOS News, on covering climate news and tips on how to create media impact with climate change research;
  • 14:30 – 14:50 Break
  • 14:50-15:50 Project Building Session;
  • 15:50 – 16:10 Break
  • 16:10-16:40 Project Feedback Session;
  • 16:40-16:55 Interview with Joyeeta Gupta;
  • 16:55-17:00 Discussion and Interactive session about USP plans. 
  • 17:00 Drinks

Moderator: The event will be moderated by Froukje Janssen and Anniek de Ruijter.

The number of seats is limited, so make sure to book yours in time. You can register here.


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Crowd at USP Year Event 2022
USP Year Event 2022: Community Building
Paper: Acceleratie energy transitions