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Sabyasachi Sengupta started his studies MSc Business Economics in 2010 and graduated in 2011. Before he came to the Netherlands he finished his bachelors in Commerce at the University of Mumbai, India.
Sabyasachi Sengupta

Sabyasachi Sengupta  (1985)

  • 2007-2010 Analyst Lehman Brothers Mumbai, India
  • 2010-2011 MSc Business Economics
  • 2011- present Business Development, risk cluster ABN AMRO
  • 2016- present Professional Speaker SabynSachi


'Studying at the University of Amsterdam was a great decision. I had a great time. The Professors were very cooperative and erudite. The courses always encouraged to do a deep dive analysis on subjects and that skill has been very effective and useful at work.'

Crazy Environment

After his Bachelor Sabyasachi started his first job as an analyst at Lehman Brothers in Mumbai. 'It was a great, stressful and crazy environment. Working 12 to 16 hours daily was no big deal. Monday to Friday. you have no life outside work. In 2011 when I started working in the Netherlands at the ABN AMRO as Business Developer I learnt for the 1st time in my live the true meaning of work life balance. Work can be stressful but nothing like the Lehman days!'

Professional  Speaker

Next to his Job at the ABN AMRO Saby has his own company in professional speaking called SabynSachi. 'Public speaking was a hobby for me and I practiced it through Toastmasters. In 2014 and 2015 I became an European champion in public speaking. It was an outstanding experience to speak in a big stage and get applauded and appreciated by 400 people in the audience. And then there was no looking back and I launched my company in professional speaking in 2016. Some of my award winning speeches can be found on my website'


Saby is still in contact with his old classmates. 'Some of them are very close friends and we catch up every now and then. A lot of my classmates moved to different city, but if we are in the same city we surely catch up for a drink. The main benefit of this contact is networking and exchange of ideas. I think it is very useful to have a close-knit alumni network as it is essential for networking, very useful if you are looking for career movement and along the way you make great friends!'


Saby is an active alumni ambassador since 2016. 'I liked to stay associated with the UvA because I had a great time. I wanted to give something back. I also want to help students and alumni on their way to the job market. And I meet other interesting alumni ambassadors. Try it yourself!'